Author: Matt Kush


Parishioners planning a Marriage should call the parish office to make an appointment with Fr. Chris.  You will attend Pre Marriage sessions that


St. Francis – Maximilian uses a special phrase for what is generally known as First Communion, as being ‘Welcomed to the Table of the


Confirmation I and II Coordinator: Betty Sheehan, DRE 586.598.3314 ext. 302 The 2024-2025 Confirmation I & II formation sessions will


Baptism is a “welcoming” sacrament, the all important first initiation in the Church, the Body of Christ.  To inquire about Baptism for


We are looking for people who may be  interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith through the process of the Order of Christian Initiation


St. Mary Mystical Rose Council 7561Serving the Parishes of St. Mary Mystical Rose, Armada and St. Francis-St. Maximilian, Ray Twp. Business