Stewardship Commission: Oversees and promotes Christian stewardship as a way of life and helps educate parishioners on the benefits and responsibilities of sharing their God given gifts of time, talent and treasure.
The decision to share our financial resources with our communion of faith is an important aspect of being a Christian steward. But that is only part of the story. Christian stewardship is the commitment made in response to God’s generosity – to live a life of gratitude, to make daily decisions to glorify God, and to share our self and our gifts generously as circumstances and talents allow.
Ministries that are supported by the Stewardship Commission include:
In Alphabetical Order
Adult Altar Server: Adults assist the presider primarily during funeral liturgies. They may also serve at other liturgies, such as weekend Masses, if desired.
Adult Choir: Sing in a traditional choral group for Mass on Sunday (from September to June) and other special liturgies throughout the year. Choir members also attend weekly choir practices as scheduled.
Altar Care: Clean and launder the altar linens.
Altar Server: Assist the presider during parish liturgies. Students in 3rd grade and up can serve in this ministry after completing a one hour training session. Families are encouraged to participate together if desired.
Arts & Environment: Assist in decorating the church for the various liturgical seasons.
Bakers: Provide homemade baked goods for various parish functions and special events when requested.
Bulk Mailing: Occasionally assist office staff with large parish mailings by folding and stuffing envelopes.
Cantor: Lead music as a soloist during Mass. Must audition with Music Minister and attend weekly rehearsals.
Catechist or Assistant: Teach or assist in the various religious formation classes for grades K through 8th grade. Lessons are planned for you.
Children’s Choir: Children perform twice a year for the Christmas and Easter liturgies at Mass. Rehearsal time is required.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Lead or assist children during the 10:00 AM Sunday Masses as they are called forth to listen, reflect and respond to the Scripture readings presented at their level.
Christian Service Commission: Members work to put the social teachings of the Catholic Church into action by overseeing programs and ministries that offer assistance to those in need and other social programs.
Comforting Ministers: Bring Holy Communion to the homebound, those in assisted living, or in nursing homes, who cannot attend Mass due to poor health or other limitations.
Communications/Technology Ministry: Provide the parish with expertise in current technology and social media to support and enhance our parish activities and communication to reach out to our parish community.
Control Room Operator: Assist in the operation of the computer to project songs and readings during weekend Masses and on special occasions.
Eucharistic Minister: Assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.
Evangelization Commission: Serves as a catalyst for the evangelizing efforts in the parish. Committee members work to ensure that evangelization is a parish priority and it is integrated into all areas of parish life.
Funeral Luncheon Ministry: Teams work as host/hostesses for a luncheon in our parish social hall after a funeral Mass by setting up and serving catered meals or baking desserts to be served.
Garden Angels: Help with seasonal planting & maintaining outdoor flowers on our parish grounds.
Justice & Peace Team: This ministry group works to be advocates for justice, peace and respect for all life by working to overcome injustice and promote peace in our families, communities and the world at large.
Lector: Proclaim God’s word and providing commentary where required before and during Mass. Minimal training required and ministers can select Mass day and times for scheduling.
MCREST: Participate in various jobs as our parish hosts a rotating location homeless shelter in our social hall one week in February. Leadership positions and volunteers are needed for specific tasks.
Offertory Counter: Teams of volunteers count the offertory collection on a rotating bases.
Parish Pastoral Council: Serve as a consulting body to the pastor (see more information under Councils and Commissions on this website).
Red Cross Blood Drive: Assist with registration and snacks at parish blood drive with support of the health ministry.
Religious Education Volunteer: Assist in various programs or activities such as our Vacation Bible School in the summer, hall monitor for Religious Education, assist with providing food and snacks for various activities, etc.
Resurrection Choir: Sing at funerals as needed.
Special Events Hospitality Ministry: Helps with hospitality for special events held by our ministries here. Hospitality includes setting up, serving and cleaning up of refreshments at the special event.
Stewardship Commission: Oversees and promotes Christian stewardship as a way of life and helps educate parishioners on the benefits and responsibilities of sharing their God given gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Stewardship Education Committee: Educates the parish on principles of Christian Stewardship, a value strongly supported at our parish, to share our time, talent and treasure with our community.
Usher/Greeter: Assist in greeting and seating of parishioners at Mass, taking up collection and offertory gifts, direct parishioners at communion, provide assistance to those with special needs and distribute parish bulletin after Mass.
Vacation Bible School: Teach or assist in a week long summer (late July) children’s program that is geared for pre-school to 5th graders. Teens and adults are welcome to volunteer for this fun-filled week. Help with food, music, skits or other planned activities.
Vicariate Rep: Represent our parish at Vicariate meetings which are held 4 times a year at various parishes in our area.
Worship Commission: Plan, recommend and implement programs to enhance worshipping at St. Francis-St. Maximilian.
Youth Ministry: Guide teens in their faith journey to adulthood by being a teen adult leader and helping to facilitate various gatherings and activities.
If you would like more information about a particular ministry or how you can get involved, please contact the parish office, 586.598.3314 or email
Our Stewardship Prayer
My Parish is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
It will be holy, if I am.
It will be a place of peace, if I am a peacemaker.
Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will be prayerful, if I pray.
It will make generous gifts to many causes,
if I am a generous giver.
It will bring others into its worship,
if I invite and bring them.
it will be a Parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion,
charity, peace, and mercy, if I, who make it what it is,
am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of
being all the things that I want my Parish to be.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Nuestra Oración de Responsabilidad
Mi Parroquia consiste de personas como you.
Ayudo hacerla lo que es mi parroquia.
Va a ser amable, si soy amable
Va a ser santo, si soy santo
Va a ser lugar de la paz, si trabajo yo para la paz
Sus bancas van estar llenas, si las lleno yo
Va a hacer buen trabajo, si trabajo yo
Va a ser comunidad de oración, si oro yo
Va a donar generosamente a muchos causas buena,
si soy generoso yo.
Va a reunir muchos otros en su Misa,
si los invito y traigo yo.
Va a ser parroquia de fidelidad y amor, de valor y fe, de compasión y caridad, y de paz y misericordia;
Si estoy lleno do estas mismas cosas yo.
Entonces, con la ayuda de Dios, ahora me dedico a la responsabilidad de ser
todo lo que quiero que mi parroquia sea.
En Jesús Cristo, Nuestro Señor, Amen.